Access and Disability Services Rights and Responsibilities

MCC is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination. Accordingly, MCC和学院的残疾学生有各种权利和责任, 胜博发app为与残疾有关的问题提供申诉程序.

  • What are Students’ Rights and Responsibilities at MCC?


    • 平等地获得课程、项目、服务、活动和设施
    • Reasonable accommodations that provide equal opportunity
    • Access to auxiliary aids and/or assistive technology
    • 与残疾有关的信息和文件的适当隐私,按照 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)


  • What are the College’s Rights and Responsibilities?

    McHenry County College has the following rights:

    • Establish standards for courses, programs, services, activities, and facilities and evaluate students based upon those standards
    • 需要适当的文件,以确定学生有残疾,并有资格获得特定的住宿
    • 选择同样有效的住宿,辅助助手和辅助技术
    • 拒绝从根本上改变航线的不合理的住宿要求, program, or activity at the College


    • 作为残疾学生的倡导者和联络人,鼓励他们成为强有力的自我倡导者
    • 与大学伙伴合作,减少或消除体力, academic, 以及对合格残疾人的态度障碍
    • 为有资格参加大学课程的残疾学生提供合理的便利, programs, and activities
    • Facilitate instructor notification of approved accommodations, upon student request through the ADS student portal
    • 维护与残疾有关的信息和文档的适当隐私, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • What is the Grievance Procedure for Disability-Related Concerns?

    胜博发app采用此申诉程序,以确保学院违反2008年美国残疾人法案修正案(ADA)或1973年康复法案第504条(504条)的投诉得到迅速和公平的解决。, 包括因投诉或反对违反《胜博发app》或第504条而遭到报复的投诉.

    任何希望投诉违反《胜博发app》或第504条的学生, including a complaint of retaliation, 可否联络无障碍及残疾服务署署长.

    Director of Access and Disability Service
    McHenry County College
    8900 U.S. Highway 14
    Crystal Lake, Illinois 60012
    Phone: (815) 455-8676

    The College prefers to receive complaints in writing, although alternative methods of communication, such as a personal or telephone interview, e-mail, or a tape recording, are acceptable. All complaints must be signed by the complainant. 投诉人必须提供他或她的姓名和地址,并尽可能详细地描述所指控的侵犯行为, including the date(s) and people involved. 学院要求投诉人在指称的违规行为发生后尽快提出投诉, in order to allow a prompt investigation. 所有投诉必须在投诉的事件或活动发生后180天内提出.

    If the complaint relates to a requested accommodation, 无障碍和残疾服务主任确定所要求的住宿将导致学院课程性质的根本改变, services, or activities, or is an undue financial or administrative burden, 无障碍及残疾服务署署长会向投诉人提供一份书面声明,说明作出此决定的原因. 无障碍及残疾服务主任亦会与投诉人合作,试图找出学院采取的其他行动,而不会造成上述改变或负担, 但仍将确保投诉人获得学院项目和活动的好处和服务.

    If the complainant is dissatisfied with the Director’s response, he or she may request reconsideration. 投诉人可以向下列机构提交书面请求,要求复议:

    Talia L. Koronkiewicz, Ed.D.
    Vice President of Student Affairs
    McHenry County College
    8900 U.S. Highway 14
    Crystal Lake, Illinois 60012
    Phone: (815) 455-8584

    《胜博发app》和第504条的政府执行机构是民权办公室. Complaints to that agency may be directed to:

    Chicago Office
    Office for Civil Rights
    U.S. Department of Education
    John C. Kluczynski Federal Building
    230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor
    Chicago, IL 60604
    Phone: (312) 730-1560
    FAX: (312) 730-1576
    TDD: (800) 877-8339