Career 和 Technical Education Advisory Committees

Join an MCC Advisory Committee to have a direct impact on MCC programs that serve your industry!

MCC relies on the 关闭 ties we have with business 和 industry to ensure our Career 和 Technical Education (CTE) programs meet current occupational needs. To that end, we build program-specific committees for each area. These committees generally meet once a semester for about two hours to help advise us on the development, implementation, 和 evaluation of CTE programs to ensure we’re meeting both our student 和 workforce needs in the community.

Your expertise 和 real-world experience can be critical in reinforcing MCC’s culture of continuous improvement 和 ensuring student success in a global economy! Let us know that you're interested in joining a CTE Advisory Committee by calling our Career 和 Technical Division Office at (815) 455-8732.

Functions of an Advisory Committee may include:

  • Providing input on curriculum development to ensure programs incorporate employability knowledge, 技能, 和 behaviors
  • Assistance in identifying future occupational 技能 needs to keep them in line with labor market dem和s
  • Educational enrichment such as guest lectures, 旅游, 指导, 奖学金, 实习, 和 job shadowing
  • Program review 和 goal setting to affirm mission 和 student learning outcomes
  • Recommending new technologies 和 practices
  • Evaluating existing programs, equipment, 和 facilities
  • Serving as a liaison between the local CTE program 和 the business community
  • Helping us recognize outst和ing students, instructors, 和 community leaders
  • Promoting awareness of CTE programs in professional 和 community venues
  • 看到我们的 Career 和 Technical Education Advisory Committee Manual 有关详细信息,