Black Box Theatre | Play Competition, Spring 2023

There were thirteen contestants broken up into three groups. The theme was "Unusual Dreams". The teams arrived at 6 p.m. on Friday, April 21, ready to perform their plays by 6 p.m. Saturday, April 22. Every four hours the teams were given something they had to add to their play such as a line, 道具, 和音乐. The winning production judged by a panel of five (faculty Ted Hazelgrove 和 Kate Midday, Alum Bill Daniel, 和 local theatre directors Jeff Cook 和 Karen Jorgenson Cook) chose Stuck in the Realm as the winning play!

large group of competitors for the 24-Hour Play Competition
Top Row - Alex Kaparri, Vaughn McMillan, Nathan Bodecker, Addie Keller,
杰伊·盖勒, Isa Aguilar, Olivia Greenwald, Emma Himley Bottom Row - 玛吉麦考德,
Grace Christy, Sammy Koeune, Skye Schoen, Cody Klimek,
Caitlin Cummings (Not pictured Trinity Anderson)

24 hour 2023  winners

The winning team, made up o Isa Aguilar, Addie Keller, Cody, Klimek,
Nathan Bodecker, Emma Himley, Skye Schoen

Plays in Competition

Dr. Eam’s Subconscious Psychotherapy 

  • Stan Duhr - Alex Kaparri 
  • Vicky Tim - Sammy Koeune 
  • 将年代. Dreams - Grace Christy 

Stuck in the Realm

  • Timmy – Skye Schoen 
  • John – Cody Klimek  
  • Trixie - Isabella Aguilar  
  • Mom – Addie Keller  
  • Dad - Nathan Boedecker
  • Katya – Emma Himley 


  • Σκύλα (Skyla) - Vaughn McMillan
  • Andy - Trinity Anderson
  • Sammy - Caitlin Cummings
  • Eloise - Oliva Greenwald
  • This play takes place in Andy’s gr和parents’ basement.

Special Thanks

  • Dr. Daniela Broderick
  • 校园警察
  • 豹头王Mathey
  • 丽莎•罗斯
  • 亚历克斯Ingwalson
  • 麦克斯韦罗比
  • 玛丽·布罗迪
  • 苏珊娜E. Hannon
  • 丽莎·麦考德
  • 凯蒂·麦考德
  • 玛吉麦考德
  • 斯宾塞的白色