
If you have tested positive for COVID-19, report this to MCC immediately. 学生/Employees: Report Here if You Have Tested Positive for COVID-19


The health 和 safety of our MCC community remain our top priority. See below for information to help you navigate classes 和 student resources.

Help Maintain a Healthy 和 Safe On-Campus 社区

Prior to entering the building, make sure you:

  • Do not have signs/symptoms of a fever in the past 24 hours (including a temperature of 100.4楼或以上)
  • 没有喉咙痛吗, 咳嗽, 和/or shortness of breath/difficulty breathing that could be related to COVID-19

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 和/or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, please report this information immediately to MCC via the link below. 学生/Employees: Report Here if You Have Tested Positive for COVID-19

  • On-Campus Health 和 Safety Protocols

    Please consider the following guidance when entering MCC’s campus facilities:

    • 如果你感觉不舒服, do not come to campus (includes a runny nose, or any symptoms that may mimic allergies).
    • Conduct a self-screening prior to entering the building, making sure you:
      • Do not have signs/symptoms of a fever in the past 24 hours (including a temperature of 100.4F或以上)
      • 没有喉咙痛吗, 咳嗽, 和/or shortness of breath/difficulty breathing that could be related to COVID-19
    • Use h和 sanitizer upon entrance to the building 和 proceed to your office, 教室, 或者其他想要的位置.
    • Wash your h和s often with soap 和 water or with alcohol-based h和 sanitizer.
    • Avoid touching eyes, nose, 和 mouth.
    • 学生, notify your instructor immediately if you start to feel sick at any point during the day.
  • Procedures for Positive Cases or Close Contacts
  • Enhanced Campus Cleaning 和 Sanitation

    MCC has several enhanced cleaning 和 sanitation protocols in place to help create a safe 和 healthy physical working environment:


    • High-touch surfaces such as tables 和 chairs in common areas, 门把手, 和 bottle-filling stations will be disinfected throughout the day.
    • Restrooms are cleaned regularly.


    • All offices, 教室s, 和 common areas are disinfected every night.
  • Keeping Yourself Safe 和 Healthy


    • Wash your h和s often with soap 和 water for at least 20 seconds, making sure to get the backs of your h和s, 在你的指间, 在你的指甲下.
    • Use a h和 sanitizer if soap 和 water are not readily available. Rub the gel over all the surfaces of your h和s 和 fingers until your h和s are dry. This should take around 20 seconds.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, 和 mouth with unwashed h和s.

    Wearing Masks/Face Coverings on Campus

    • Individuals are not required to wear a mask/face covering on campus, unless following protocols after testing positive or being identified as a 关闭 contact. See that information in the “Procedures for Positive Cases or Close Contacts” section above.
    • Mask-wearing is respected for those individuals choosing to follow this health 和 safety practice.


    • Cover your mouth 和 nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
    • Throw used tissues in the trash, then wash your h和s.
    • If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow—not your h和s.
