Health Information Management AAS

健康信息管理是一个独特的职业,结合了医学的各个方面, data management, and information technology, in ensuring the accuracy, integrity, and security of patient data. HIM专业人员在整个医疗保健行业的各种环境中工作, including hospitals, physician offices and clinics, long-term care facilities, insurance companies, government agencies, and home care providers.


  • 以电子方式收集和跟踪患者的健康信息
  • 分析电子数据以改进医疗保健信息
  • 维护和验证临床数据库和注册表的数据
  • 使用分类软件为报销和数据分析分配临床代码

MCC offers a 28-credit-hour Medical Billing and Coding Certificate program 这为你处理医疗保险索赔做好了准备. 您可以将您的医疗账单和编码证书中的所有学分应用于您的AAS学位. 在两个学期内完成证书,然后继续完成健康信息管理AAS课程, 或者先工作一段时间,然后再回来完成学业.


胜博发app健康信息管理AAS认证机构 卫生信息学和信息管理教育认证委员会 (CAHIIM). 学院对健康信息管理副学士学位的认证已被确认至2028-2029年. 所有关于该计划认证状态的查询都应通过邮件发送给CAHIIM, 200 East Randolph Street, Suite 5100, Chicago, IL, 60601; by phone at (312) 235-3255; or by email at


Program Outcomes

  • 健康信息管理AAS项目有100%的毕业率
  • 健康信息管理AAS项目在医疗保健环境中有83%的就业率
  • 健康信息管理AAS项目对首次参加RHIT考试的人有75%的通过率(2022-2023). The national average is 80%.

Contact (815) 455-8710 with specific questions about this program.

(in-district) Total Amount: $11,121

Credit Hours to Complete: 60

Weeks to Complete: 64

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Sample Semester 1 17 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: HIT-160#3 hrs,AOM-135#3 hrs,CDM-110#3 hrs,BIO-110#4 hrs,ENG-151 | SPE-151#3 hrs,MCC-101#1 hr

Sample Semester 2 15 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST 课程编号:HIT-137#3小时,HIT-235#3小时,HIT-240#3小时,ENG-151 | SPE-151#3小时,PSY-151#3小时

Sample Semester 3 14 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST Course Ids: HIT-138#3 hrs,HIT-139#3 hrs,HIT-180#3 hrs,HIT-220#2 hrs,Select a General Education Course#3 hrs

Sample Semester 4 15 Credit Hours

    COURSE LIST 课程编号:HIT-237#3小时,HIT-210#3小时,HIT-260#3小时,HIT-270#3小时,HIT-280#3小时

Career Outlook

Related Programs

关于获得健康信息管理AAS (CIP 51.0706)

Total Health Information Management AAS Costs
Cost in-district out-of-district out-of-state international
Tuition $7,290 $19,749 $27,763.8 $27,763.8
Additional Costs $3,831 $3,831 $3,831 $3,831
Program Total $11,121 $23,580 $31,594.8 $31,594.8

是什么让MCC的AAS在健康信息管理项目中比, or distinct from, similar programs at other institutions?



  • HIM Program Staff

    Program Director

    Christina J. Coclanis-Loding, RHIA, CCS | E 212-D | (815) 455-8713


    Allison Minicz, RHIA | E200 | (815) 479-7884

  • HIM Program Mission

    MCC健康信息管理课程的使命是培养能够熟练掌握医疗保健和医疗信息管理操作的学生. MCC的学生应该以他们的批判性思维来区分, effective communication, professionalism, and technical competency. 学生将使用当前和当代的实践来展示对项目学习成果的掌握.

  • HIM Program Learning Objectives

    Students will:

    1. 利用医疗计算机应用程序和软件进行采集, store, create and retrieve healthcare data
    2. 通过对人体结构和功能的研究,发展临床知识基础, pathophysiology, and diagnosis and treatment modalities
    3. Apply statistical tools, methods, and techniques to healthcare data collection, treatment, and research
    4. 展示报销方法的实践经验, coding, and classifications systems
    5. 解释如何在卫生信息部门进行临床质量评估和绩效改进
    6. 描述医疗保健系统的组织、运作、融资和管理
    7. 讨论与健康信息相关的法律和道德问题

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Tuition and fees are set by the Board of Trustees. Prices for books and supplies are subject to change.
