社区 College District 528 Residency

学费利率 是基于住院医师的. You must be a resident (residing in district) of District 528 for at least 30 days immediately prior to the start date of the semester to be considered a District 528 resident for in-district tuition purposes. Questions regarding residency may be directed to the Registration Office, (815) 455-8588 or myMCC@callmela.net.

  • In-district Public High Schools
    • 奥尔登希伯仑
    • 加里·格罗夫
    • 水晶湖中心
    • 水晶湖南
    • 哈佛大学
    • 亨特利
    • Johnsburg
    • 马伦戈
    • 麦克亨利东
    • 麦克亨利西
    • 草原脊
    • 里奇蒙德波顿
    • 伍德斯托克
    • 伍德斯托克北
  • In-district Private High Schools
    • 信仰路德
    • 玛丽安中心

    In-district residency is based on the student's home address.

  • In-district Municipal Boundaries
    • 奥尔登
    • 牛谷
    • 卡里
    • 水晶湖
    • 哈佛大学
    • 希伯仑
    • 亨特利
    • Johnsburg
    • 莱克伍德
    • 马伦戈
    • 麦克亨利
    • 城市山
    • 草原格罗夫
    • 里士满
    • 灵伍德
    • 梭伦米尔斯
    • 春天的树林
    • 鳟鱼谷
    • 联盟
    • 不知道湖
    • 伍德斯托克

    除了以上, some addresses within the following municipalities may also be included in District 528:

    Lake 和 Kane County residents are out-of-district with some exceptions in 卡里亨特利.

  • Proof of Residency Requirements

    Proof of Residency is required for:

    • Current/former students changing from out-of-district 和 out-of-state to in-district.

    The following is acceptable documentation which must include the student's name 和 current address:

    • 伊利诺伊州驾驶执照
    • 伊利诺伊州立大学.D.
    • 公寓/房屋租赁
    • 抵押贷款
    • 帐单
      • 气体
      • 垃圾收集
      • 电话(移动或座机)
    • 选民登记卡
    • 图书馆 card only from the following libraries: 奥尔登, 卡里, 水晶湖, 狐狸河树林, 哈佛大学, 希伯仑, Johnsburg, 马伦戈, 麦克亨利, 城市山, 里士满, 河东图书馆, 灵伍德, 梭伦米尔斯, 春天的树林, 联盟, 不知道湖, 和伍德斯托克
    • An in-district high school transcript proving attendance at the high school the semester immediately prior to entering MCC

    请注意: students who move from outside the district 和 who obtain residence in the district for reasons 除了参加MCC are exempt from the 30-day requirement if they demonstrate through documentation a verifiable interest in establishing permanent residency. This documentation must be approved by the Director of Registration 和 Records.

    Submit your proof of residency documentation:

    • In-person at the Registration Office, A258
    • By fax at (815) 455-3766 (include a phone number where we can reach you)
    • By mail to 麦克亨利 County College, Registration, 8900 U.S. Highway 14, 水晶湖, IL 60012 (include a phone number where we can reach you)
    • You may email your proof of residency to mymcc@callmela.net however, email is not secure so it is at your discretion to do so.
  • Residing In District 的最后期限 Dates

    You must be a resident (residing in district) of District 528 for at least 30 days immediately prior to the start date of the semester to be considered a District 528 resident for tuition purposes.

    Residing In District 的最后期限 Dates
    会话 的最后期限
    2024年夏天 2024年4月26日
    2024年秋季 2024年7月19日
    2025年春季 2024年12月21日
  • 定义:地区居民

    You are considered a resident of the college district if you are:

    1. 18 years of age or older 和 reside in District 528 or
    2. less than 18 years of age 和 reside with a parent or legal guardian in District 528 or
    3. an emancipated minor 和 reside in District 528
  • Definition: Resident of Illinois, Out of District

    A person who resides in Illinois, but is not a resident of 社区 College District 528 as defined above, 被认为是 然而当地居民.

  • Definition: Out-of-State Resident

    A person who resides in another state 被认为是 其他州的居民 和 will be assessed the appropriate tuition.

    Out-of-district 和 out-of-state students who are employed within 麦克亨利 County College District 528 a minimum of 35 hours per week also qualify for the in-district tuition rate. 学生 must supply the Registration office with a letter on company letterhead stationery, signed 和 dated by the owner/manager, stating the student works 35 or more hours per week.