
Field 和 Traffic Stop Transparency Reporting

Our department is committed to service through transparency. Part of our commitment includes public data about our field 和 traffic stops.

We have a deep respect for the diversity of our community. We are committed to serving 和 protecting our community in a fair 和 impartial manner that promotes respect 和 inclusiveness.

Stopping members of the community for traffic enforcement, or any other reason, based solely on race, 种族, 宗教, sexual orientation, 国家的起源, socio-economic background or gender is illegal, unconstitutional, unprofessional 和 inconsistent with the values, ethics 和 ideals of the police profession 和 the College.

What type of data is collected?

We are committed to transparency by collecting, analyzing 和 publishing field 和 traffic stop data.


Field stop data indicates the way in which the call was initiated 和 the self-identified race of the individual stopped. Calls may be received one of two ways:

  • Citizen request for service-A citizen contacts MCC's Police Department either by phone or flagging down an officer 和 requests them to investigate a situation involving a person. Either the person is pointed out by a citizen or a physical description is provided to the officer(s) by the citizen.
  • Officer initiated-An officer while on duty identifies circumstances that result in stopping an individual to conduct a further investigation of the situation. The legal st和ard for initiating a stop is a minimum of reasonable suspicion.


Traffic stop data includes the disposition of the stop 和 the self-identified race 和 gender of the driver.

Field 和 Traffic Stop Reports