

Student Art Exhibition Reception 和 Awards Presentation on Wednesday, 五月 4 at 6 p.m. MCC图书馆

MCC is home to four galleries on campus, 有学生的展览, 校友, 和 emerging 和 established 艺术家. The galleries feature diverse solo 和 group exhibitions that are curated to expose students 和 community to a wide range of media, 风格, 和 content utilized in contemporary art practice. 来访的艺术家 often present lectures 和 workshops in conjunction with exhibitions. 检查 画廊展览时间表 的更新. All galleries are free 和 open to the public.

The galleries are also used to exhibit student work 和 specific course-related installations 和 projects.
All MCC students are encouraged to propose installation projects for artspace144.

In addition to rotating gallery exhibitions, McHenry County College has selections from the permanent collection 和 loaned artworks displayed across campus. These include 版画中的肖像收藏, which is permanently exhibited in the MCC library, 和 large-scale sculptures located on several sites around the MCC campus.


永久艺术收藏 comprises over 500 works purchased by the college from visiting 艺术家, 当前MCC的学生和教师, 和MCC校友, as well as artworks donated through the 世纪挑战基金会之友. The collection is displayed around campus to represent 和 support the curriculum 和 broader community, 和 it is constantly growing 和 evolving with the additions of new acquisitions 和 donations.

Escobar Kathleen 新时代的典范

新时代的典范, 2021


欧菲莉亚, 2022


因陀罗的净, 2021

  • 版画中的肖像收藏

    Donated to MCC through the 世纪挑战基金会之友 over the course of nearly thirty years by McHenry County residents Mary 和 Charles Liebman, the Portrait in Print Collection is an impressive assembly of over 270 original fine art prints, 包括木刻版画, 凹版, 石版画, 绢网印花, 和 several drawings 和 mixed media works. The collection of portraits provides visitors with not only a broad range of masterful printmaking techniques 和 modes of expression demonstrated by renowned 艺术家 but also an intriguing view of diverse historical figures who left a significant imprint on our world – painters, 作家, 音乐家, 作曲家, 科学家们, 哲学家, 积极分子, 体育和政治人物, 等.

    Among portrait subjects included in the collection are Abraham Lincoln, 沃尔特·惠特曼, 格特鲁德·斯泰因, Dr. 马丁·路德·金., Crazy Horse, Mick Jagger, Madame Marie Curie, the Marquis de Sade, 和 Emiliano Zapata. The range of 艺术家 who created these prints is as diverse 和 impressive as the subjects of the portraits. Renowned 艺术家 in the collection include Pablo Picasso, 亨利·马蒂斯, 雷人, 马克·夏卡尔, 弗朗西斯•培根, 伦纳德·巴斯金, 安迪•沃霍尔, 迭戈·里维拉, 在许多其他方面. 

    The collection is permanently exhibited in the MCC图书馆 和 利伯曼科学中心, 允许学生, 员工, 和 community continuous access to each work 和 ability to utilize the collection for further research into the portrait subjects, 艺术家, 还有版画制作过程.

  • 胜博发app雕塑

    机会敲门 迈克尔·赫尔宾
    Located on the grounds of MCC, Building C

    Trilogy: Growth, Development, Interaction 理查德·亨特
    Funds provided by the 世纪挑战基金会之友 和 Illinois Arts Council
    Located on the grounds of MCC, Entrance One
    MCC Celebrates On-校园艺术 by Prominent Sculptor Richard Hunt

    担架 帕特里克·麦克唐纳
    Located on the grounds of MCC, Building A

    Sunrizon 作者:汤姆·斯卡夫
    Funds provided by the State of Illinois 和 世纪挑战基金会之友
    位于 Atrium, Building A, Main Level

    猎户座二世 艾萨克·维特金
    Morton Thiokol公司捐赠. through the 世纪挑战基金会之友
    位于 禅意花园 (建庭院)

    向地球致敬 作者:Glenn Zweygardt
    Granite, bronze, steel, cast glass, 1998
    Located on the grounds of MCC, Building E
